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Friday, May 21, 2010


1.What are the significant parts discussed in the video?
As design advances reduced the costs of logic and memory, the programmer's time became more important. Subsequent computer designs emphasized ease of programming, typically using a larger and more intuitive instruction set.most machine-language programming came to be generated by compilers and report generators. The reduced instruction set computer returned full-circle to a simple instruction set and achieving multiple actions in a single instruction cycle, in order to maximize execution speed, though the newer computers had much longer instruction words.

2.evaluate at least one topic discussed in the video?
-It share about there course objectives which are;how thus computer works,what are basic principles,how to analyze their performance,how computer are designed and built.
-It also talk about the abstraction to computer and give a brief explanation which s the process or result of generalization by reducing the information content of a concept or an observable phenomenon, typically to retain only information which is relevant for a particular purpose. important is computer architecture with our daily living?
It promote awareness of energy use in everyday life. Extending this approach to a larger architectural and urban scale, was set up to explore the possibilities of design as an intervention into multiple technical, material and social systems—or ecologies. In addition to designing materials, objects, and interfaces. The design of interventions into energy ecologies and the use of design methods become a platform for exposing existing habits and hidden norms as well as for proposing alternative actions and views.
4.Give a commentary reaction w/video..
its really gives us more lessons about computer architecture..,which the instructor explain step by step

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